
November 28, 2013

Meet The Team: Callis, Changeling Psion

Before I chronicle the exploits of my current D&D 4e campaign, I want to introduce each of the characters.

First in the introductions: my very own character, Callis - a changeling Psion.

Sadly, not that much art exists for Changelings.  Racists!

November 27, 2013

DMs Are More Than Storytellers; They're Leaders

Whether you call him the dungeon master, game master, or He Who Commands The Heavens And Demands Cheetos Each Game, one thing is clear: this is one of the most important positions at the table. I'm going to refer to him as the DM (mostly because the latter of the titles is far too long).

A DM smiting in its natural habitat.
In most game systems, the DM essentially serves as the computer through which his/her fellow players access the game through.  Plot, NPC interactions, world creation, monster combat, even graphics (in the form of narrative and descriptive storytelling) are all the DM's domain.  It's a monumental task - one that only the bravest undertake.  And because of this, countless articles have been written on the mechanics of being a DM and how to execute the perfect game.  

But no one mentions perhaps the most difficult aspect of this roll.  Regardless of system, the DM's role is that of a leader not unlike a football coach, CEO, or teacher.

Yes, a good DM is an accomplished writer, actor, and craftsman.  But everything falls to pieces when the DM doesn't realize that the role also includes 3 key aspects.

November 26, 2013

In Real Life, I'm A Dragonborn Paladin

In a campaign DM'ed by my good friend, A, I play a dragonborn paladin named Rhasgar Blackscale.

Thanks, DnDLore Wikia, for the shameless image theft.

The min/max being strong in my group, and with point-buy as the de facto method, my optimal character emerged slow-witted yet oddly charismatic.  His stats after level 4:

Str: 11
Con: 16
Dex: 10
Int: 8
Wis: 16
Cha: 19

Born from a one-shot turned ongoing game (my group has a lot of those, don't we?), I took my cues straight from the stats; I decided to play Rhasgar with the mind of a mostly-man-child, save for when in the heat of combat or in courtly etiquette.  I also left him with a backstory of a disgraced knight questing to redeem his faith - quite standard.

I expected him to be a throw-away.

November 25, 2013

A one-shot with Dungeon World

Am I wrong for feeling a little self-conscious whenever I search for "Dungeon World"?  I always expect the worst - curse you, Internet!

Last week, the DM of my regular D&D (4e) session bowed out due to work.  Unwilling to give up my regular night of nerd bro-hood, I volunteered to run a one-shot game with a new game I'd bought: Dungeon World.