
December 01, 2013

Meet The Team: Berendothaniccus Mag, Dwarven Warlord

Next up on the introductions might be my most favourite interpretations of the inspiring Warlord character in 4e, and you'll soon read why.

Please welcome to the stage, Berendothaniccus Mag, Dwarven Warlord Marshall.
Mag's portrait
Kudos to Cartoonarchy for the killer art.  I stole it because I loved it.
We just call him Mag for short; screaming his full name in combat just doesn't seem to work.  We've tried.  Played by my friend, E, these are Mag's stats at level 3:

Str: 20
Con: 12
Dex: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 11

What I love the most is that E's character is heavy on both the min/max and role-playing fodder.  For one, Mag's character sheet will read him equipped with a flail and heavy shield.  In practice, the flail is a stand-in for a set of heavy chains taken from his own abandoned forges.  E's boosted the combat effectiveness and Controller aspects of Mag by spending his two feats on Flail Expertise and Rending Chains Student - a feat that grants to ability to slide targets 1 square on successful hits.

Mag is clearly a strength-based inspiring warlord.  Powers such as Commander's Strike and Cunning Adjustment allow him to grant allies additional movements, while Bastion of Defense increases the survivability of the team.

It's E's way of playing these powers that I love the most.  Mag is a gruff, old blacksmith who has no formal military training.  In fact, he is so old that for most of the battle he sits on a little three-legged stool as he commands his troops.  He just somehow can inspire men without knowing how or why.  So, when his Warlord's Favour and grants a boon to a fellow fights, his words of inspiration go along the lines of "use the sharp end of your sword, pansy".  Certainly an off-kilter interpretation of the mechanics.


Fantasy buffs have loved Dwarves since time-immemorable.  What do you all think of this interpretation?  Have you played a Warlord class before?  Let me know in the comments!

Want to meet the rest of the team?  Check out the rest of the team here.  More are on the way!

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