
December 05, 2013

Meet The Team: Buggs, Hengeyokai Thief

I'm back with another exciting character from my newest D&D 4e campaign.

My regular group has a D&D Insider subscription that we abuse almost daily. My friend, A, delved deep into the depths of the options available from this to bring for your viewing pleasure:

Buggs, Level 3 Hengeyokai Thief
I have no clue where you found this image, LinYurenya from Wizards Communities, but I stole it anyways.
No party is complete without a sweet-talking, womanizing rogue on the payroll. (What is the inverse? Maninizing?).  That's Buggs. 

Buggs is a Hengeyokai, a race of secretive shapeshifters with a tie to nature.  A created him as a shapeshifter who lived amongst giants in the outskirts of the world, stealing necessities unnoticed until deciding to venture into the unknown.

He literally attempts to go at it with bar wenches like a bunny, enjoys the touch of most things not nailed down, and prefers his daggers in the backs of foes.  "But with what stats does he accomplish such feats of daring dexterity?" you may ask.  Good question!  behold:

Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 20
Int: 8
Wis: 11
Cha: 16

Buggs is a character currently built around one thing: phenomenal sneak attacks.  His At-Wills - Sneak's and Ambush Trick - revolve around optimal positioning and granting combat advantage to unwitting foes.  This, combined with Backstab, a feat that increases sneak attack dice size by one, makes for extremely high damage potential for single targets.

Classic Striker.

Combat situations with restrictive map sizes slightly diminish Bugg's damage potential; thankfully, his high dexterity - coupled with an extremely creative individual piloting him - allows for a good stand-up fight in the thick of things.  As a Controller in the party, I focus a large part of my time re-arranging enemies in ways that best highlight his abilities while keeping the tide from flowing over our more armoured compadres.  But, when things go as planned, he slices through key targets like a note knife through butter.  Just one more in our arsenal against the forces of darkness.


Rogues and Thieves have been an integral part of adventuring parties since D&D was a twinkle in Gygax's eye.  Who has been your most favourable Rogue character?  Are they as integral as I believe they are?  Let me know in the comments!

Want to meet the rest of the team?  Check out the rest of the team here.  More are on the way!

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