
About Me

I prefer my life fantastic.

Props to pixelcharlie @ DeviantArt for this.

So when I'm not at work, I'm building the next big quest for my tabletop friends -- even if I'm not the DM.

Or, I might be lost in a world long lost, but just a page turn away.

And I'm trying very, very hard to resist the siren call of Magic: The Gathering once again.

I don't really game anymore.  That fact isn't stopping me from backing a ton of indie games on Kickstarter, though.

I drop Star Wars references in conversation.  And Star Trek ones, too.  And Firefly (amongst others).  I also frequently end up picking them right back up.

Actually ... all of that happens while I'm at work, too.  That's who I am.

Welcome to my outlet for surplus enthusiasm.  I play D&D with my best friends from university days, get distracted by random hobbies, and often envision the coming of a zombie apocalypse.  These are my thoughts.

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