
December 07, 2013

The Old School Orcs, Part 1

Picture a scenario I'm sure all of you have seen before: you're approaching game night, everything looks like it's going as planned.  That is, until a SNAFU cuts the ranks of your players in half.

That's what happened this week.

For us, D&D is what we use as a mechanism to bring everyone together into one room.  We're best friends; rolling dice is simply an excuse.  So, when two of our six bowed out, game night remained as scheduled.  My friends A, S and I cracked a few beers as the last of our group, L, joined us online via Google Hangouts.

While technology has brought us leaps and bounds when it comes to virtual gaming, there are still limits.  Most prominent amongst those: without a virtual board, such as Roll20, tactical combat can be kissed 'goodbye'.  This renders the vast majority of 4e's appeal null, especially for a one-shot with little prep.  We simply didn't want to fiddle that day.

Dungeon World was a strong possibility; but it was S's turn to DM and he hadn't used the system yet. I assure you, though, the results were perhaps the most fun that I've had in any of S's DMed games.

December 05, 2013

Meet The Team: Buggs, Hengeyokai Thief

I'm back with another exciting character from my newest D&D 4e campaign.

My regular group has a D&D Insider subscription that we abuse almost daily. My friend, A, delved deep into the depths of the options available from this to bring for your viewing pleasure:

Buggs, Level 3 Hengeyokai Thief
I have no clue where you found this image, LinYurenya from Wizards Communities, but I stole it anyways.
No party is complete without a sweet-talking, womanizing rogue on the payroll. (What is the inverse? Maninizing?).  That's Buggs. 

December 01, 2013

Meet The Team: Berendothaniccus Mag, Dwarven Warlord

Next up on the introductions might be my most favourite interpretations of the inspiring Warlord character in 4e, and you'll soon read why.

Please welcome to the stage, Berendothaniccus Mag, Dwarven Warlord Marshall.
Mag's portrait
Kudos to Cartoonarchy for the killer art.  I stole it because I loved it.
We just call him Mag for short; screaming his full name in combat just doesn't seem to work.  We've tried.  Played by my friend, E, these are Mag's stats at level 3: