
February 06, 2014

The Old School Orcs, Part 2

This is a continuation of my write-up of the fantastically made-up game system and one-shot campaign that my group ran.  Looking for Part 1?  Click Here.


The orcs struggled to their feet, dumbstruck by the fight their quarry had in them.  Yes, they preferred a struggle before their meal - it awakened the appetite.  But, blood mages?  With luck they numbered two, and old at that.  Better than seven.  Orcs seldom can count very high, but seven was a number all knew.  It had power as ancient as any of the laws in the world.

Gruum hoisted his bulk from the ground.  A swift kick brought an unconscious Olga back to the waking world; the last gruesome strike from the female mage had brought her nearly to the brink of death.  No pity within orcish-kind.  The strong survive, the weak perish.  The kick was a rare gesture.

The marauders moved now with the precision of practiced routine after the skirmish.  Bodies were stacked ready for the cooking fire, their belongings tossed into a haphazard pile that Kashyyk rooted through with zeal.  Good fight, good loot.  Simple logic.  And true to this, the was treasure to be found: a curious collection of golden lockets, all the same, stored in the toe of a boot.

The shaman of the group puzzled over the curious symbols.  A touch of a blood-smeared hand was all it took.  The gold shimmered unnatural bright in the dark.  Blood magic and blood mages.  How curious.

Circle Breakers Pt. 1: We Are All But Players

We're back from my unplanned hiatus with a brand new D&D 4e campaign.  Despite the radio silence, we have, indeed, been playing; I've just not been writing.  That means quite a few sessions of catch-up for me, more reading for you: my dear readers.

Yes, we've been hopping back and forth between campaigns for the last few sessions.  I suppose this is what happens when work, significant others, and a desire for varied extra-curriculars do to a nerd.  But enough about IRL us, you want to read about our fantastical personas.